A day in the life of a truck driver

A day in the life of a truck driver


If you are not a truck driver but have thought about becoming one or have some interest in the logistics and transport industry, stay here so you can learn about what day-to-day life is like, what challenges they face, and what is best about performing this valuable work.

Being a truck driver is a common profession, with high demand in modern society, since almost all the elements you use daily, not only at home but also at work or study, were transported by a trucker. However, more needs to be said about how complex it can be and the efforts a person makes to dedicate to this job.

The day-to-day of a trucker looks like this:

Waking up early

A trucker’s schedule can vary depending on the needs of the company for which he works. However, the usual thing is that his day starts very early; it can be from 5:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m., according to the routes he has scheduled.

Weather forecast and documents check-up

After waking up, the next thing on the list is to check the weather forecast and prepare for a storm, snowfall, or very high temperatures.

Likewise, truck drivers must check to carry all their documents, regulatory permits, licenses, and certifications. If stopped for an inspection, they can present all these documents up to date and not be affected by fines or violations.

Truck Check-up Before Hitting the Road

As the documents need verification to ensure everything is up to date, the truck must also be checked before each trip to confirm that there are no tire damages, engine failures, serious leaks, or loose items inside the vehicle that could be dangerous and cause an accident. And we must remember the stop at the gas station to recharge and start the route to the determined destination.

The rest of the routine is full of challenges that a trucker faces when starting his route: to load, unload, wait for hours to deliver the cargo in case of any delay or setback and obtain a POD (proof of delivery), etc.

Main challenges for a truck driver

In their daily work, a trucker must face different challenges that make their work more complex and challenging, but at the same time, help them enrich their industry experience.

High investment of time

One of the main challenges is having to invest so many hours of your time in long days driving from one place to another. This investment of time supposes a significant sacrifice since it is very usual that important dates such as the birthday of relatives and holidays such as Christmas, Valentine’s Day, or Halloween are gone with their children. The time they have to share with their family is relatively minor compared to other types of occupations in which less complex schedules are handled.

Unfavorable weather conditions

During road trips, it is prevalent to encounter difficult weather conditions, for example, heavy rain, storms, snowfall, or high heat waves in summer.

In conditions like these, traffic tends to get complicated due to accidents that can occur on the road. Therefore, the waiting time increases, influencing the trucker’s mood.

Not having healthy habits

We know how complicated it is to acquire healthy habits. This task is doubly difficult for a trucker due to the flexibility they must have in their daily routine.

One of the most important factors is the lack of good nutrition since the efforts on the road to collect and deliver cargo lead many truckers to choose to buy unhealthy food during the journey or consume easy-to-prepare foods without taking into account the nutrients they need to stay healthy and have enough energy to spend hours and hours on the road.

The lack of hours of sleep and physical exercise are two other habits that usually cost a trucker great effort; however, despite how difficult they are, it is best to comply with a sleep schedule and try to exercise at least three times per week. These small changes significantly influence health and well-being, avoiding possible long-term diseases.

Spend so much time alone

Imagine spending 8+ hours a day without human interaction, staring at the road and pausing to feed yourself, a daily scenario for many truckers, especially those specializing in long-distance hauling.

The solution for many of them is to connect through a video call with their family or partner to feel accompanied, at least during these breaks, usually at lunch or the end of the day. However, it is not always possible for them to allocate these moments to share with their loved ones.

Advantages of being a trucker

One of the biggest advantages of this profession is that it is one of the best paid and highly demanded jobs. In addition to this, engaging in ground transportation is an attractive option for people who for some reason did not have university studies, since it is a trade with a relatively low barrier to entry. Which makes it easier for more people to enter the industry without too much paperwork and academic requirements.

According to talent.com “the median salary for a truck driver in the US is $62,443 per year or $30.02 an hour. Entry-level positions start at $48,750 per year, while more experienced truck drivers can earn up to $89,988 per year.’’

It must also be taken into account that although technology evolves at high speeds, the transport of products and raw materials by road is an arduous task that has not been automated, that is, by obligation it is something that must be carried out by a person who has the skills to do it.

Advantages of being a truck driver

One of the most significant advantages of this profession is that it is one of the best-paid and highly demanded jobs. In addition, engaging in ground transportation is an attractive option for people who, for some reason, did not have the opportunity to have a college degree since it is a trade with a relatively low barrier to entry, which makes it easier for more people to enter the industry without too much paperwork and academic requirements.

According to talent.com, “the median salary for a truck driver in the US is $62,443 per year or $30.02 an hour. Entry-level positions start at $48,750 annually, while more experienced truck drivers can earn up to $89,988 annually.

Also, technology evolves at high speeds, and transporting products and raw materials by road is an arduous task that has yet to be automated. By obligation, it must be carried out by someone with the skills to do it.

In summary,

Without truck drivers in the logistics and transportation industry, the country’s economy would remain standstill. Thanks to them, we can enjoy all the goods we have, which is precisely why we must recognize the importance and impact this profession has on the life of each citizen.

Remember that if you want to start in the trucking industry, there are Trucking Permit Specialists who can assist your trucking company from scratch and get all the permits you need to be able to operate without problems. 

To learn more about the lifestyle of a trucker, see us on Instagram and Facebook.

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